UChicago Center for Chronic Disease Research and Policy

November 8, 2013 @ 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Loyola University Chicago-Philip Corboy Law Center
25 East Pearson Street
Loyola University of Chicago,Chicago,IL 60611
Rachelle Sico (rsico@luc.edu)

This event is open to the public.
One of our center affiliates, Dr. Kohar Jones, will be speaking TOMORROW at 12:00pm on a Community Health panel discussing the Affordable Care Act.  See more information below.
Loyola University Chicago School of Laws Public Interest Law Reporter focuses on examining emerging topics in public interest law.  This symposium will focus on the changes in access to healthcare and the impact of the Affordable Care Act on underserved communities.  Speakers include health care providers, government policy analysts and health care representatives, professors, and attorneys with national health care programs and community outreach centers.
Loyola University Chicago School of Law is pleased to present this important conference at no charge for Loyola students and faculty and individuals not seeking CLE credits. For those who wish to obtain credit, registration fees are $50, and $40 for alumni. There is no charge for CLE credit for current faculty, staff, or students, and an immediate 50% fee reduction is offered for attorneys working in the areas of government or public interest. Seating is limited and registration is appreciated. Open seating will be available on a first-come basis to those who do not register.
This program has been approval by the Illinois MCLE Board for 5 hours of credit.
Please direct all questions and registration to rsico@luc.edu.

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