11th Annual Research Symposium
Strengthening Adolescent Mental Health and Health Policy
Monday, October 30, 2023
University of Chicago
8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Register for the symposium
Gordon Center for Integrative Science (GCIS)
929 E. 57th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
3rd floor West atrium
8:30 – 9:00
Check-in, coffee, networking
9:00 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Elbert Huang, MD, MPH and Anna Volerman, MD
9:15 AM
Karam Radwan, MD, DFAACAP
University of Chicago
Resilience Across Time: Navigating Adolescents and Families in Crises, Reflecting on the Past and Envisioning the Future
9:55 AM
Chuka Emezue, PhD, MPH, CHES
RUSH University
Reimagining Trauma- and Equity-Focused Support for Boys and Men on Both Ends of the Gun
10:35 AM
10:45 AM
Melissa Kull, PhD
Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
Mental Health Trends Among Youth at Risk for and Experiencing Homelessness in the United States
Keynote speaker
11:25 AM
Sameer Vohra, MD, JD, MA
Illinois Department of Public Health
The State of Illinois’s Adolescent Health: An Illinois Department of Public Health Update
12:05 AM
Panel Discussion
12:30 PM
1:15 PM
Poster Session
2:00 PM
Poster Awards and Closing Remarks
Registration Submit an abstract Parking and Transportation
CDRP 11th Annual Symposium to focus on adolescent mental health
IDPH director to deliver keynote at UChicago symposium on adolescent mental health
Meet Symposium Speaker Karam Radwan
Meet Symposium Speaker Chuka Emezue
Meet Symposium Speaker Melissa Kull
View prior year symposia on YouTube. Please watch here.
Contact Mary King at the CDRP for further information.