Thursday, December 11, 2014
University of Chicago Medical Center, Room W229
In this session, Rebecca Luttrell will share her editorial expertise as she provides tips on how to best prepare your manuscript for submission and discusses the process that a manuscript undergoes once it has been submitted to a journal, including peer review, copy editing, and production.
Rebecca Luttrell, ELS, has worked in the publishing industry since 1994. She has worked for medical journals (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Journal of Infectious Diseases, and Clinical Infectious Diseases) in both administrative and editorial positions, for the books division of the American Medical Association, and for a commercial test-prep company (Kaplan Financial). As a freelancer, her clients have included Dartmouth Journal Services, Proactive Worldwide, Apollo Marcom, and the American College of Healthcare Executives. Currently, she is a Senior Editor for the American Journal of Roentgenology. She is a member of the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences and Chicago Women in Publishing.