ENDOCRINE and METABOLIC DISEASE Technical Symposium When: Thursday November 29, 2-5PM Where: 5175 COMRB 909 S. Wolcott Ave Join CACHET’s Endocrine and Metabolic Disease Focus Group for a Technical Symposium featuring speakers from UChicago, Argonne National Laboratory, and Illinois Institute of Technology. All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Amanda (amandaa@uic.edu) if you plan to attend. |
Speakers: Monica Peek, MD, MPH (UChicago) “Leveraging the Chicago Center for Diabetes Translational Research for Environmental Health Research” Honggang Ye, PhD (UChicago) “Resources in the Chicagoland Diabetes Research and Training Center to Support Environmental Health Research” Jonathan Ozik, PhD (Argonne National Laboratory) “Employing Simulated Populations to Study Environmental Health” Gokhan Dalgin, PhD (UChicago) “Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for the Study of Environmental Health” Abhinav Bhushan, PhD (IIT) “Metabolic tissue-chips: Techniques to Study Environmental Toxicology and Metabolic Diseases” |