CDRP Annual Symposium Targets Kidney Disease
All of the issues that we struggle with in our health care system in general are magnified within kidney disease.
All of the issues that we struggle with in our health care system in general are magnified within kidney disease.
My lab has been examining the current kidney allocation system and its algorithm from various angles and trying to advocate for improvements to make the system more efficient and more equitable.
Kidney disease contains all the problems of the American healthcare system, just more intensely.
Most people with kidney disease don’t know they have it. This is because there is no routine screening for it, even for patients who are high-risk. Then there are issues of disparities in access to care across the continuum of kidney disease, along racial/ethnic, as well as socioeconomic, and in some cases geographic lines. Fortunately, in part thanks to advocacy efforts to raise awareness about these disparities, they are receiving more attention today, from both scientists and policymakers who are looking to develop innovative solutions and tackle root-cause drivers.