UChicago Center for Chronic Disease Research and Policy



All primary care clinicians with a commitment to a clinical investigator career will be considered for this two-year fellowship. Non-clinical PhDs are also eligible. Priority will be given to physician candidates from the specialties of internal medicine, family medicine, geriatrics, pediatrics, and infectious disease (HIV), especially those from underrepresented backgrounds. For those individuals pursuing infectious disease (HIV) or geriatrics, acceptance into the PITCH fellowship and the clinical fellowships can be coordinated.

Clinical applicants must be board-eligible or board-certified in internal medicine, family medicine, or pediatrics and eligible for licensure in the State of Illinois by July 1 of their first fellowship year. In addition, due to federal regulations based on our funding, applicants are required to be U.S. citizens or have permanent U.S. residence status at the time of the application.


Application Process:

Applicants must complete online application found here: PITCH APPLICATION

To complete the application, you will need the following:

1) Updated CV (.pdf file format preferred)
2) Personal Statement (One single spaced page max, .pdf file format preferred)

  • The personal statement should explain why you are interested in this fellowship, your area of research, name potential mentors, and describe your long-term goals including the position you think you would want after completing the fellowship. The Fellowship has a particular interest in recruiting fellow from diverse backgrounds, so please also include information about your personal background.

3) Names of three Letter of Recommendation writers to confirm that they will submit their letter of recommendation to mealey@medicine.bsd.uchicago.edu

  • At least one your letter writers must be your residency/PhD program director. If you have already completed your program, the letter from your program director should include a statement that you have successfully completed the program.


Important dates:

Call for Applications: April 1st – September 10th
Application Deadline: Rolling Admission
Fellowship Start Date: July 1st



(1) What are the benefits and salary associated with this fellowship?
A: Fellows have the same benefits as UChicago Residents and the compensation is assigned by PGY level. You can find updated UCM Graduate Medical Educations Handbooks, contracts, compensation tables and time off information here: https://gme.uchicago.edu/resources/

(2) Who are the faculty that would serve as mentors for fellows?
A: See tables linked here: PITCH Faculty Research Focus Areas, Research Methods, Primary and Secondary Data

(3) Does this program have a payback agreement?
A: Yes, successful applicants will need to sign the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Payback Agreement. More information can be found here: https://researchtraining.nih.gov/training/payback

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